Game Jolt Unity API  v2.5.8
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CMonoSingletonSingleton utility for managers.
 CRequestRequest object to send API calls.
 CResponseResponse object to parse API responses.
 CBaseBase class for all Objects.
 CScoreScore object.
 CTableTable object.
 CTrophyTrophy object.
 CUserUser objects.
 CAutoLoginEventUnityEvent used for the inital auto login.
 CDataStoreThe DataStore API methods.
 CFriendsFriends API methods.
 CGameJoltAPIThe Core API Manager.
 CLogHelperStatic helper class for logging.
 CMiscMisc API methods.
 CScoresScores API methods
 CSessionsSessions API methods
 CSettingsAPI Settings Config Object.
 CTrophiesTrophies API methods
 CUsersUsers API methods
 CNotificationA UI Notification.
 CGameJoltUIThe UI API Manager.